
Assembly of critical parts in sheet metal thanks to the "Point Vario" process

June 2012

To develop a complete assembly solution of sheet metal into the complex process of "manufacture of light concentrators for headlights of motor vehicles" thanks to Tox round joint system and Tox pneumohydraulic drive.

Light concentrator for headlight of cars - this component is made from strap and assembled using two Tox Points Vario.

The implementation of new materials or at least alternative materials represents a whole new challenge for manufacturers and subcontractors of sheet metal parts both in terms of production and assembly. The example of the lightweight construction in automotive industry shows clearly that the use of new materials often involves the use of alternative techniques of machining and assembly. Indeed, many types of parts can no longer be assembled by a thermal process; this also applies to combinations of sheet steel and aluminum (hybrid solutions).

Production of ready to use light concentrators To allow the German automakers to produce large volumes of light concentrator with a high level of quality, the Moorgrund based SIV Stanz-Biegetechnik GmbH & Co. KG company has developed innovative production processes in the form of a "following batch of operations" Thanks to this integrated system of following tool, it is possible to make the light concentrator in a single cycle from the strap, despite their complex geometry.

Graphical representation of the process in the setting of a Tox Point Vario.

The Tox Point Vario system provides tailor-made solutions In the case of the light concentrators the aim was to clinch two halves of part both of material as thin as the DX53 D (Z) (formerly called St05 Z 140), 0.5 mm thick each. SIV has opted for the Tox Point Vario I. This method is typically used to assemble two plates of very different thicknesses, but it also allows other applications. Indeed, in this configuration, there is first a pre-drilling on the side of the matrix. The pre-stamped hole allows then to optimize centring and fixation to position the two halves of sheet metal exactly one on the other and assemble with precision in the determined position.

We will enter into more details of this Tox solution in one of our next issues.

Tox Pressotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Riedstraße 4 D-88250 Weingarten Telefon: 0751/50 07 - 0 Fax: 0751/5 23 91 [email protected]

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