
Clean, pure and residue-free? – controlled cleaning

June 2009

parts2clean 2009, the 7th Leading International Trade Fair for Cleaning within the Production Process and Maintenance will take place from 20 to 22 October 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany

Main asset: cleanliness The quality and reliability of components depend to a great extent upon their cleanliness. This makes the inspection of cleaned surfaces and the monitoring of cleaning and rinsing baths indispensable constituents of quality and cost optimised cleaning processes in a great variety of industries. Effective solutions to these tasks will be presented by the exhibitors at parts2clean at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre from the 20th through the 22nd of October, 2009. The issue of preserving the obtained degree of cleanliness will be elucidated at the COROSAVE international trade fair for corrosion protection, preservation and packaging, which will take place concurrently. Cleaning: part of the value chain The goal of cleaning within production and the MRO processes is achieving the degree of cleanliness which is required for subsequent surface finishing, or flawless functioning of the parts. And this has to be substantiated more and more frequently. Inspection and documentation of the degree of cleanliness obtained for parts and surfaces within the cleaning process are thus gaining in significance in a broad range of industries. This necessitates analysis methods and devices which allow for simple and efficient testing for particulates and film-like residual contamination as close as possible to production. Nearly all of the renowned manufacturers from this sector will be represented at this year’s parts2clean.

Evaluating Particulate Cleanliness by Comparison Results vary depending upon which method is used to conduct cleanliness inspections. In the automotive industry, this has led to introduction of VDA 19 and ISO 16232, volumes 1 through 10, “Road vehicles – Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits”. The objective of these directives is to be able to evaluate and compare the technical cleanliness of a part by means of clear-cut, unambiguously described processes for particle extraction and analysis. parts2clean exhibitors such as Leica, Olympus, Pall and Carl Zeiss will present special systems in various sizes and designs for cleanliness inspection in accordance with VDA 19. Want more information?

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** Eurotec already published some very interesting stories about cleaning, visit this page.

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