With the new software tools and service products available under the label „DMG ENERGYsaving“, DMG will increase energy efficiency in development, manufacture and use of machine tools to help save precious resources.

Early February, DMG started the year with its open house in Pfronten. About 5’000 people and 65 journalists from the whole world were able to discover the trends and news from the German manufacturer. A lot of information was available, and I chose to present you one of the major trends that will drive the economy. As Dr. Kapitza said, maybe the financial crisis is about to vanish, but the energy crisis is only at its starts. The world consumption is increasing drastically and public opinion is informed about the consequences of wasting energy. Renewable energy is more and more developed. Despite its unfavorable geographic location, Germany is now the largest consumer of photovoltaic cells in the world and DMG shows its concern in this regard in Pfronten with a part of the energy needed by the factory produced by solar cells.
Proactive support As the largest manufacturer worldwide and also as an innovative leader in the field of chip removing machine tools, DMG addresses its direct responsibility to proactively support the trend towards environmentally orientated use of resources for and together with its customers. The significant increase of holistic energy efficiency for machines and within entire process chains is at the focal point of this „DMG ENERGYsaving“initiative. A wide net is cast for the defined scope of actions: It starts with the energy optimized designs, includes the assembly component specific selection of the suitable machine as well as energy efficient production, for instance, complete machining in one clamping position, through to the energy orientated matching of machines, control systems, methods and sequences with intelligent software tools and new service products from the DMG program.
DMG ENERGY SAVING – Measures for maximized energy efficiency
- Safe sequences and targeted process planning with DMG Virtual Machine for the optimized use of resources
- Energy optimized process parameterization with DMG GREENmode
- DMG AUTOshutdown and DMG EnergySave to reduce energy consumption during interruption phases
- Mass optimized machine design to reduce the consumption of energy
- Energy recovery in the drive area
- Servo technology instead of hydraulics to reduce energy consumption and the amount of fluids used
- Use of energy efficient electric motors
- Use of heat exchangers
- Rotational speed/torque adaptation in the optimum performance range
- Use of energy efficient converter components with a high degree of efficiency
- Energy optimised drive design
- Consequently assembly component oriented machine use to minimise energy consumption
We will come back on this major trend and the way it is adressed at DMG in a further issue of Eurotec.
DMG Vertriebs und Service GmbH Gildemeisterstraße 60 33689 Bielfeld Tel.: +49 (0)5205 74-0 Fax: +49 (0)5205 74-45 4021 www.gildemeister.com