
Kuka robots inspires watch designer

January 2014

Kuka robots have inspired the watchmaker Sevenfriday to put a watch with the Kuka look and feel on the market. For a short time now, “Sevenfriday P1-03 Automation Orange” has been available from the company’s online shop.

Sevenfriday was founded in May 2012 and is today considered a respected and established newcomer among watch enthusiasts and collectors of luxury watches. One reason for this is the consistent orientation towards the aesthetics and feel of the industrial environment. Steel, industrial buildings, tools, machines, and gear wheels are reflected in the form and materials of the watches. The collections are aptly named “P1 Industrial Essence”, “P2 Industrial Revolution” and “P3 Industrial Engines”.

Robots inspired The designers had the robots from Kuka in mind while developing the P1-03 Orange. Arnaud Duval, Head of Design at Sevenfriday, witnessed Kuka robots in an automobile factory years ago and remembers his first impression: these machines stand for high tech, reliability, precision and speed. Their clear and powerful design language places them among the avant-garde of industrial design.  “Seeing state-of-the-art robots in action makes a tremendous impression. It is dynamics in perfection!” explains Duval. “If you want to take this as inspiration, there’s no way around Kuka. Kuka robots stand for top quality – technologically speaking, but in terms of design language as well. Each detail is carefully considered, functional and a delight to the eye. The characteristic orange alone makes designers’ hearts leap for joy. That is exactly the effect we too wish to achieve with our watches.”

Innovation and top quality “Innovation, functionality and top quality are important criteria when we develop new products,” adds Dr. Andreas Bauer, Marketing Director at Kuka Robotics. “But we also place great value on ergonomics and excellent design. It is sensational, that Kuka as an engineering company are setting trends for a luxury product like a watch. We are very pleased that the watch is based on our orange robot. That’s absolutely unique!”

Kuka Roboter Schweiz AG Industriestrasse 9 CH-5432 Neuenhof Tel: +41 (0)44 744 90 90 Fax: +41 (0)44 744 90 91

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