
ERP to promote versatility

March 2011

Mid-1980s, Patrick Fleury, founder of DOP Gestion SA, was working as a Logistics Manager with a machine tools company. During this period he developed the vision of an industrial management system able to combine applied techniques of "MRP" production management and "PERT" projects that would be both easy to use and to understand. This product now exists! Why consider this challenger in the market? Meeting with Mr. Patrick Fleury, passionate visionary and happy CEO.

An innovative concept In 2003, DOP Gestion develops the "triangulation" concept which serves as the basis for the development of the software package and defines the principles of use: simple, accessible and complete. The basic idea is to gather and consolidate data related to sales, purchasing and manufacturing activities in a single hyper-standardized model to be able to view all the information in a common and similar structure. Thus reduce the problems of lack of users understanding by mixing the MRP and PERT principles in a single approach. Mr. Fleury remembers: "Nobody actually believed in this concept, even my employees looked at me as an idealist. And yet, a few years later, this vision became reality and brings such advantages that it has become difficult to think differently".

Standardization of functions and screens Simplicity is the master word that characterizes the solution proposed by DOP Gestion SA. All data can be displayed on two kinds of screens, either in a "screen data structure" or in a "data list". The interface has been developed with the aim of simplifying user’s life to the maximum. Therefore, all information dedicated to the user is available via tabs and functions appear in a contextual manner in a unique and intuitive toolbar. It cannot be simpler. Users have, therefore; only two types of screens to master, all the data are integrated and managed according to the needs and access permissions. The system has been tested thoroughly by more than 400 users and the practice has shown that 2 types of screens and 17 functions are enough to manage a business efficiently.

Is DOPG for you? DOPG software package today represents an inescapable alternative in the evaluation of an ERP system. The product is clearly positioned on industrial markets active in the manufacture and marketing of products and services in the areas of watchmaking, Microtechnology and technology assembly, machine-tool industry, injection… and machining of precious metals and jewellery markets. In a first phase, DOP Gestion software package is available in French but versions in other languages are planned. SMEs in the "country of Microtechnology" (from Haute Savoie (France) to Basel) will be the first beneficiaries of DOPG

To win on four levels The basic concept of DOPG allows purchasers to gain on four levels. First the original investment is limited. Second, the implementation is fast and simple and there are no hidden costs of "consultancy". Third, the ease of use of the software package allows very brief training to master it. And finally, this same ease of use ensures the optimization in the data entries, thus a significant reduction in the risk of errors.

Should you wish a presentation, or a demonstration, the DOP Gestion team is at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact them.

DOP Gestion SA Route du Château 43 Case postale 431 CH – 2520 La Neuveville Tél. +41 32 341 89 31 Fax +41 32 345 15 01 [email protected]

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