
FOCUS announces diverse speaker line-up for upcoming workshop

January 2016

The FOCUS consortium has announced the addition of 10 global experts industry speakers to the programme of its upcoming workshop on 16 February 2016 in Brussels. The content of the one-day workshop has been built around the FOCUS consortium’s current areas of research, which are: zero defect manufacturing (4ZDM), cleanfactories, robotics, high precision manufacturing and maintenance & support.

The event has been designed to share insights on what the current state-of-the-art in European manufacturing looks like and to help define the future research and development priorities of the European manufacturing sector. Part of the “Factories of the Future” (FoF) initiative, a public-private partnership between the European Commission and the research and innovation community, FOCUS brings together 11 partners from five FoF project clusters to develop methods to improve project exploitation and dissemination. The FOCUS clusters represent 36 individual FoF projects and approximately 380 European partners (companies and Universities).

Confirmed speakers for the FOCUS workshop include:

Dr Masahiko Mori, president of Mori Seiki Dr. Makoto Fujishima, executive officer at DMG MORI Dr Henny Spaam, founder and CEO of IBS Precision Engineering Dr. Fukuo Hashimoto, senior scientist at The Timken Company Prof. I.S. Jawahir, director of the University of Kentucky’s Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing Yaoyao Fiona Zhao, assistant professor at McGill University in Montreal Jason Tranter, founder and owner of the MOBIUS INSTITUTE Mark Haarman, managing partner for Mainnovation Arturo Baroncelli, manager director of Comau Robotics and president the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) Clay Flanniga, assistant director of the Robotics and Automation Engineering at Southwest Research Institute

Odd Myklebust, coordinator of the FOCUS project, said “Research and development projects are often shrouded in mystery as teams overlook the importance of sharing results. This can lead to several different teams trying to solve the same problems. “FOCUS is all about sharing outcomes – both with other research teams and with commercial organisations. This is a lot that we can learn from each other and sharing our research can help to develop results and breed ideas for new areas of research. This event promises to do just that, helping to provoke fresh debate on the current and future research priorities of the manufacturing sector.”

The one-day event will open with a short networking session and close with a panel session chaired by Odd Myklebust. for more information

FOCUS The FOCUS project brings together 11 partners from 7 European countries to combine their expertise and knowledge to determine the state of the art within the given clusters. The clusters within FOCUS are: zero defect manufacturing (4ZDM), clean factories, robotics, high precision manufacturing (high micro), and maintenance and support. The FOCUS partners share their experiences to identify common ground and formulate methodologies for effective cluster creation and industrial exploitation of project results. The FOCUS partners are also pro-active in disseminating tangible outcomes from their activities.

Factories of the Future Factories of the Future is a EUR 1.2 billion program in which the European Commission and industry are collaborating in research to support the development and innovation of new enabling technologies for the EU manufacturing sector.

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