Specialized in the overhaul of Escomatic machines, Ventura Mecanics SA currently employs eighteen people and exports nearly 80% of its services or products worldwide. Thanks in particular to a good balance between the different markets it serves, the Bôle company expects a very good year 2019.

Talyrond for checking the raceways
Whether it is a revision operation (restoration in its original configuration) or retrofit (restoration and addition of options), a machine passing through the Ventura Mecanics workshops is completely dismantled, brought up to CE standards, equipped with a new electrical cabinet, repainted and reassembled with original parts. In order to guarantee the shortest possible lead times, the company has a choice of several thousand spare parts for machines of types D2, D4, D5, D6 and NM. In addition to the aspect of deadlines, having such a stock makes it possible to guarantee after-sales service and to supply spare parts to customers with machines whose production has been abandoned by the manufacturer. Still with the aim of reducing downtime for its customers, Ventura Mecanics has also introduced a lean management system in its workshops by placing the various workstations in the logical order of the operations to be carried out.
Some overhaul operations are extremely delicate. The reaming of revolvers, for example, requires very special know-how and is carried out on a 12-ton Dixi reaming machine ensuring perfect stability. These operations include complete disassembly, reaming of the spindle location and geometry control, the necessary conversion for a new pump or for the safety of indexing and threading, new painting as well as control and running-in tests on a machine. Special attention is also paid to the revision of sub-groups, including checking functionality and alignment, replacing worn parts and painting all components. The machine is guaranteed for one year after leaving the overhaul workshops.
Many activities However, machine overhaul is only one of many activities. The company is also active in the revision and construction of spindles. The revision of these elements also requires careful work in terms of roundness, roughness and precision of the raceways. Several operations are carried out, from CNC grinding of the bearings to polishing, boring, sharpening, manual lapping, adjustment, assembly and control tests. For this purpose, the company has a control room equipped with the latest generation equipment. For customers who do not wish an overhaul, Ventura Mecanics offers its own spindle model, which it patented a few years ago and sold more than 1,000 units worldwide.
Digitization of machines The company has developed in-house its own software to digitize the machines, the V2 Softcam CN. Two years of work were necessary to develop this program based on the principle of calculating a virtual cam. The absence of ISO language makes programming very user-friendly while offering advantages in terms of speed, in particular by the fact that there is no line-by-line interpretation. The chuck can reach a speed of 10,000 rpm and several operations can be carried out simultaneously.
In the era of Industry 4.0, Ventura Mecanics had to offer solutions in this direction. In particular, it is possible to integrate the V-Connect solution with or without Softcam, remote troubleshooting, real-time production control and preventive maintenance.
Turnkey projects The "complete solution" option is more and more often chosen by customers. Before acquiring a machine for production, they request a preliminary analysis from Ventura Mecanics, which covers the design of the parts, a feasibility study and machine tests. In case of continuation of the project, Ventura Mecanics will still be able to provide training on the machine, which can be done at the customer’s site or internally.
Full follow-up The technical parts are drawn on Solidworks. Each part is listed and equipped with a barcode to retrieve its history and characteristics and to ensure effective follow-up if necessary.
Able to play on several levels The current good general economic situation is pushing customers to acquire new products. "As soon as the economic situation shows signs of abating the revision takes on new importance," says Luca Ventura, co-director of the company, who concludes: "Diversity and flexibility are necessary in order to adapt to these regular changes ».