
Satisfaction surveys : the seven deadly sins

November 2013

As part of its strategic development, the specialised trade show Siams wished to learn more about the expectations of its exhibitors. To rely on relevant and usable information, the organizers have set-up a satisfaction survey. We met with Mr. Michel Voisard, director of Mediactif in Vevey, the institute of customers’ relation, who conducted this study.

Sometimes satisfaction surveys lead to interpretation errors resulting in bad decisions and erroneous improvement measures. Mr. Voisard says: “The tips here below will help you avoid the 7 deadly sins and will guide you through the development of your future surveys to make them be most relevant and useful”.

The seven deadly sins


Be careful of what you ask Contrarily to what its name may suggest, a satisfaction survey is a study that finds dissatisfaction, gaps in processes, frustrations and irritations of customers (suppliers, employees...). M. Voisard points out: “It is mandatory to avoid creating unnecessary expectations and investigate parameters that the company cannot or does not want to change”.

You can download the full article here: Satisfaction surveys: the seven deadly sins


And what about Siams The results of this study will be known in late November; we’ll come back on those in a next issue of Eurotec and discuss the information and consequences with Mr. Koller.

The next Siams will take place in Moutier from May 6 to 9, 2014.


Mediactif SA Institut de relations clients Quai Maria-Belgia 10 - CH-1800 Vevey Tél. +41 21 925 95 00 - Fax +41 21 925 95 01 - [email protected]



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