The theme of the 17th international day of watch marketing (JIMH) was about service and the importance for the company to manage it globally. To talk about it and to see how it can be applied in the world of microtechnology, we met with Mr. Kalust Zorik, founder and president of the JIMH as well as of the institute for watch marketing and CEO of InterTech, a company specialized in consulting, coaching and training to develop businesses.

As a start M. Zorik says: "When speaking about service, we often only see the ‘firemen effect’ that must handle an immediate problem (therefore which was not planned and serviced on time) but the concept fits into the entire value chain of the relationship with the customer, before, during and after the sale”. We will see these in details sin our next issue.
What else will be covered?
- Service? Everyone’s concern, from the Board of Directors
- The performance of a watchmaking product
- Service? Everything that accompanies the product
- Everything is linked
- The secret: customer relationship
- A strategy for everyone
The specialists concludes: "It is simple to say, one must be close to its customers and potential customers to understand their expectations and then to find ideas to amaze them positively". . InterTech Rue des Moulins 51 2000 Neuchâtel Switzerland Tél. +41 32 725 18 10 [email protected]
The article is available to download here on Eurotec’s.
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