I must admit that I’m not addict to procedures and administrative tasks. We all probably know some people for whom the fact that the small ok is in the right box on the form is more important that customer satisfaction.. that drives me crazy to see that. Nevertheless, quality insurance if well implemented is really an asset for those willing to clarify and rationalize production. And guess what? Good news, there is a dedicated show!
All process steps under control The 23rd Control international trade fair for quality assurance, which will take place at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre from 5 through 8 May 2009, has already come back into focus: Because continuing internationalization in the fields of production and assembly is drawing attention in particular to the issue of quality assurance. Regardless of where and how intensively production is pursued, regardless of how well the employees are qualified and to what extent the manufacturing processes have been automated – to a greater degree than ever, it’s essential to keep all process steps under Control and not leave anything to chance. Thanks to its comprehensive, globally unique information offerings, the 23rd Control will qualify you and your company for both today’s and tomorrow’s quality testing tasks. 23rd Control – World Class Quality Assurance More than 900 exhibitors and roughly 25,000 expert visitors from 78 of the world’s industrialized nations – these were the figures for Control’s successful premiere at its new venue at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre. Growth in exhibitor numbers, exhibition floor space, expert visitor numbers and internationalism document the tremendous importance of the Control international trade fair for quality assurance as a globally leading event for a market which continues to demonstrate strong expansion. Foreseeable economic stabilization will further intensify international competition amongst manufacturing companies from all over the world. The manufacturers and their suppliers are being forced to implement further streamlining measures, which include automation in the field of quality assurance as an essential constituent.
For the first time ever, Control 2009 will feature an information and communication platform on the subject of “Quality Assurance in the Field of Automotive”, a sphere of activity which is lucrative for all manufacturers and suppliers. Beyond this, the already strong area of “image processing” will also be further expanded due to the fact that it’s becoming more and more well established as part of the ever advancing field of automation.
Don’t be over-procedure oriented.. but if you think of implementing QI, do not miss Control early May. Good day py