Innovative applications for consumer-use: In the field of Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing EuroMold has already long time ago established itself as Europe’s biggest market place for product development! New at EuroMold 2009 will be the special feature show “e-production for everyone’ in the newly built hall 11.0. Here fields of application of generative processes for consumers will be in focus. This show offers all attendees a perspective on how these highly innovative technologies could lead to a future change of the variety of products in our daily lives.
New perspectives Current applications of Rapid Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping can be found in the fields of jewellery, furniture, interior design or other accessories like glasses. The special feature, organised in co-operation with the universities of Coburg and Offenbach, will show further areas into which this highly innovative technique might find its way. The production of individualised everyday products is on display. To make this happen the universities co-operate with several renowned international companies, which exhibit in hall 11.0, too.
Tailored production Based on specific products different future fields of application for the everyday usage of generative processes will be shown. The demonstration of the University of Offenbach will encompass products such as gauntlets and bicycle seats. To produce a gauntlet first of all the hand has to be scanned. Gained data such as length and dimension of the finger will then be used in a laser sintering process in order to produce an individual gauntlet. The gauntlet as well as the Velcro fastener is made out of one single piece and in one job step, including all seams. A special structure in the gauntlet also protects fingers and wrist from overstretching.

When producing an individual saddle the user firstly has to be measured. By use of achieved CAD-data the individualised bicycle saddle then will be produced in a generative process. This project aims to give fresh impetus to future manufacturing processes of individualised products.
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