
Strategic vision to the service of the industry

February 2009

According to some widely shared results (no matter for what kind of products) the 10 products that will be the most sold in 10 years simply do not exist nowadays. Where are they? In the head of the public and private researchers. The role of the Pôle des microtechniques of Besançon (France) is to make connections between production capacities in the country and people who can innovate.

The golden triangle Industry, researches and training are the three core axes of the Pôle des microtechniques. First, the industrial pattern that support the region includes about 400 companies and employs nearly 10’000 people. It’s a small number compared to some other regions were huge companies are installed, but the companies of Franche-Comté (this area of France) are highly specialized in microtechniques and several of them are world leaders in their domains. Second, the academic competences are high in France and in the area of Besançon and it is important to let them blossom protected from short term ROI constraints. That freedom is a guarantee to make disruptive discovering, the only ones able to insure the future. Third, training that is directly linked with the social responsibility of the Pôle des microtechniques. Under that aspect, training is a spring of success for the future. The Pôle des microtechniques creates a link between the three aspects, it makes different worlds meet.

Microtechniques are everywhere At any moment everywhere in the world, everyone carries, uses or relies on microtechnical components. That market is not very visible, nevertheless omnipresent Nowadays Franche-Comté is France number one’s in term of density of know-how, researches and training linked to microtechniques. The mastering in the same place from development to production in the microtechniques field is a spring of competitiveness that cannot be denied.

The Pôle des microtechniques is open for everyone, do not hesitate to contact them for any question linked to research, industrialization, training or transfer in the field of microtechniques.

Pôle des microtechniques TEMIS INNOVATION Maison des Microtechniques 18, rue Alain Savary 25000 BESANCON – France Tel : +33 (0)3 81 25 53 65 Fax : +33 (0)3 81 25 53 51 [email protected]

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