Parts manufacturers face challenges that seem contradictory; on one hand they must produce shorter and shorter batches. On the other they must manufacture as automatically as possible and at minimum costs. A manufacturer of milling and turning centers pulls out in this complex equation. Meeting at Willemin-Macodel SA with MM Patrick Haegeli, director and Denis Jeannerat, technical director.

"We do not only sell products with advanced features, but the whole of a process and our ability to guarantee it" says Mr. Haegeli. Nevertheless machines do actually have advanced features.
Premieres at EMO Willemin-Macodel will present many innovations in world premiere at EMO 2011
- 408MT and 508MT evolutions. Improved performances in mixed turning-milling machining are possible by the increase of the machines dynamics and upgraded capacity of chips removal in turning.
- 5 axis 408S2 machining centres. The architecture of the machine includes a combined vertical spindle with a double dividing head including turning capabilities up to 4,000 rpm.
- The 508S machining center piloted by an Heidenhain numerical control is dedicated to 5 axes simultaneous machining and is equipped with all automation functions.
- The 518MT machining center presents a complete evolution in its feed systems, notably with rotary axes equipped with torque motor. This brings the whole a high dynamic, high-precision and high chips removal capacity. Willemin-Macodel develops its machines based on some key features
- High static and dynamic rigidities
- optimal quality construction
- starting from the customers’ need
- relying on proven machine bases
- bringing more flexibility
- and managing peripherals
We will go into details of all these key features in Eurotec’s next issue
Willemin-Macodel SA Route de la Communance 59 CH-2800 Delémont Suisse / Schweiz / Switzerland Tél. +41 32 427 03 03 Fax +41 32 426 55 30

Other recents news about EMO 2011
– Chiron with the DZ08FA to double productivity (and other news)
– Tornos with the MultiSwiss to change the world of multispindle turning
– EMO presents more than machine-tools