
Willemin-Macodel at EMO: robustness and new machines

July 2011

Parts manufacturers face challenges that seem contradictory; on one hand they must produce shorter and shorter batches. On the other they must manufacture as automatically as possible and at minimum costs. A manufacturer of milling and turning centers pulls out in this complex equation. Meeting at Willemin-Macodel SA with MM Patrick Haegeli, director and Denis Jeannerat, technical director.

"We do not only sell products with advanced features, but the whole of a process and our ability to guarantee it" says Mr. Haegeli. Nevertheless machines do actually have advanced features.

Premieres at EMO Willemin-Macodel will present many innovations in world premiere at EMO 2011

We will go into details of all these key features in Eurotec’s next issue

Willemin-Macodel SA Route de la Communance 59 CH-2800 Delémont Suisse / Schweiz / Switzerland Tél. +41 32 427 03 03 Fax +41 32 426 55 30 [email protected]

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