
Changes at Körber Schleifring board

February 2011

Stephan Nell, Chairman of the Studer AG management board, has changed to the management board of Körber Schleifring GmbH with effect from February 1st, 2011.

He will take on responsibility for sales, marketing and service for the whole division. His successor as chairman of the Studer management board will be Michael Horn, who has already been a member of this board since 2007. Peter Weber, Managing Director of Schaudt Mikrosa GmbH, will also take on responsibility for sales and service at Studer. .

Studer recently launched its new S41, to discover more about it: High-precision, super-fast and extremely cost-effective

. An evolution with a taste of revolution: the Studer S41

We will come back on this new product in a further issue of Eurotec.

. Körber Schleifring GmbH Nagelsweg 33-35 | 20097 Hamburg Tel.+49-40-21107-553 Fax +49-40-21107-565 [email protected] -

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