Yesterday was the opening of the Siams and according to many exhibitors, this year’s issue is about to reach a very high level of quality and success. During the tour for the authorities and personalities, many innovations were unveiled.

At the Dunner booth, they were able to discover the new DunnAir system that goes beyond the limits of the classical guide bush.
Simple, efficient and versatile The DunnAir 4-position rotating unit is a pneumatic device tailor-developed which incorporates a standard Airflex guide bush. Thanks to this system, the same guide bushes can be mounted on several types of machines. Guide bush adjustment being done through the front, handling is reduced and simplicity pushed to the maximum.
4 positions for fine tuning The 4-position rotating unit includes the traditional clamping and opening positions as well as two guiding positions (on 40 mm!) with different settings. Mr Dunner explains: “According to the operations to carry out, guidance must be more or less tight and until today, we still had to work with a ‘compromise’ guide bush. With the DunnAir, it is possible to manage the forces adapted to the operations”. Driven by M functions, this device opens new perspectives for high precision turning; it offers not only the opportunity to work with less accurate material but it finely fits operations to achieve. Depending on the country, it is easier to find material of h11 quality than h7 or h8 bars and prices are not the same. To guide this material is not an easy thing and to have a very flexible guide bush which adapts itself to this type of material is very interesting.
To be discovered at Siams till the end of the week…
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