
Implants, basis of a winning smile

March 2009

On four Traub TNL 12 long turning machines, the dental manufacturer Dentaurum primarily manufactures dental implants, structures for prosthetic care and orthodontics products. Why are they working with these machines?

Constraints for medical "We produce up to 200 different products on these machines, which means we have to be able to react to production changes very quickly," explains Klaus Merkle, head of production at Dantaurum. He continues: "flexible production machines are the requirements for success in this product segment".Of the 13 turning machines in total in the machine turning shop of the dental manufacturer Dentaurum, four of them are Traub TNL 12 long turning machines. The first was bought in 2001; the next three followed practically in intervals of one-and-a-half years. The last one, for the time being, was bought just under a year ago. The machines primarily produce dental implants with diameters of between 3.3 mm and 5.5 mm, ranging in length from 9 mm to 17 mm and so-called auxiliary products, for instance, structures for subsequent prosthetic care. These are supplemented by traditional orthodontics products. These tools normally have extremely complex contours and geometrics and therefore require additional milling operations on the machine.

Dedicated machines and shift working Solely stainless steels - for example 14301 - and pure titanium are processed in different batch sizes. Depending on the application, these can range from special systems with quantities of 200 up to very large quantities with standard bracket systems. The advantages of the Traub long turning machines - very high flexibility, easy convertibility, simple programming - facilitated the commercially successful development of this product segment.  "The very first machine," recalls Merkle, "proved its worth entirely; the quantities became increasingly bigger, the spectrum ever broader. Even with the current number of four machines, we are constantly reaching our limits with regard to capacity." Since this year, night shifts are also having to be worked for the first time in addition to the previous two-shift operation. Patrick Ott, head of department in the machine turning shop, practically goes into raptures about his Traub machines. "The advantage of the TNL 12 is that it is very flexible and. above all, highly precise." He and his staff have developed substantial know-how with these machines, and have also been helped by the excellent supplier service. This makes itself felt in an extremely high machine availability.


Working as fixed headstock A turret that can be moved along the Z axis ensures additional flexibility so that the guide bush can be closed and the long turning machine can also operate like a fixed headstock. This is a clear asset depending on the geometry of the parts.This is supplemented by the comfortable programming and the dialog control via an easily comprehensible operating panel in plain text.


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