With more than 20 different models of machines, Emissa offers a range of products beyond those of many builders. Simultaneously, the company is renowned for developing tailored solutions to its customers. How to combine these two aspects? A free discussion with Mr. Pierre Boschi, director of the company, can be read in our next issue.

M. Boschi presenting the basis of a machine being built for an automotive customer.
If offering a wide range may appear contradictory with the implementation of dedicated solutions for customers, it is because usually these are mainly based on new developments. At Emissa, both product lines and developed customized solutions are based on the same elements. Mr Boschi says: "We build on a modular way based on proven machining and design modules, for example the Pibomulti multispindle heads". Thus, according to the machines, it is more than 80% of the components that are recurrent. This explains the high flexibility of Emissa and its ability to provide reliable solutions.
To be seen at Siams and EPHJ At the Siams and EPHJ trade shows, Emissa will present:
- MagicTool (micromachining machine that can drill holes perpendicular to the horn of watches cases)
- SpeedTool (micromachining machine with HSK 32 tools changer with 30 or 48 tools or more, a 40’000 rpm spindle, a multispindle head with alternating spindles offering chip to chip tool change of less than 5/10 of a second)
- PNC03 (very high production machine for the realisation of watch plates and allowing more than 60 operations in less than 6 seconds.)
- Rotopal (with several machining stations, 3 or 4 axes for all machining operations: drilling, tapping, turning, rounding as well as all lateral machining operation.
Emissa also offers machines for machining of winding-mechanisms’ crowns and pushes and machines to produce wristlets’ parts. In watch making the company is also active in machining of dials and appliques.
Indeed the company is not only proposing watch making solutions (we’ll see the automotive solutions in next issue of Eurotec).
Emissa SA Jambe – Ducommun 18 2400 – Le Locle / Suisse Tél : +41 32 933 06 66 Fax : +41 32 933 06 60 [email protected] www.emissa.com