
BA1008 – SwissNano with milling capability

August 2013

At EMO Almac will unveil a brand new small milling machine. On first sight, this tiny bar milling machine reveals its close kinship with the Tornos SwissNano. We do not know yet if the machine will be available in as many colours as the SwissNano.

The BA1008 milling machine manufactured by Almac, based on a SwissNano machine, is designed to machine complex parts requiring multiple milling operations. To be discovered on booth B04 in Hall 17 at EMO.

Tornos Director Mr. Hauser tells us: "We unveiled the SwissNano to lots of customers from the watchmaking industry, and they all confirmed that this machine is a game-changer in terms of the market". Mr. Devanthéry, Director of Almac, adds: "The compact size of the SwissNano is an undeniable advantage for watchmakers, and we wanted to make the most of these advantages on a bar milling machine".

Ergonomic design The frame of the BA 1008 bar milling machine is the same as that of the SwissNano. The upper section has been modified to integrate two multi-spindle tool systems, and complete accessibility is guaranteed using the same motorbike helmet opening principle as is employed on the SwissNano. For watchmakers, a wooden table has been added and other options are also in development. The Director explains: "We also want to produce a version of the machine on which the table acts as the operator’s main workbench".

Multi-spindle productivity Bars are fed into the BA1008 in the same way as on the Tornos version designed for turning, however the spindle cannot be used for turning operations. A divider system is used to load workpieces up to a diameter of 16 mm. Positioned machining operations and interpolation between the tool systems and the workpiece are easily possible. Equipped with 4 frontal spindles, 3 lateral spindles and 2 counter operation spindles, the machine has been designed for very precise workpieces.

BA1008: main characteristics

Almac SA 39, Bd des Eplatures CH - 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds Tel : +41 32 925 35 50 Fax : +41 32 925 35 60 [email protected] Almac is a company of the Tornos Group.




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