
Double secondary operations spindles

March 2013

In 2011: Emissa won the innovation trophy at Industrie Lyon with its Twinturn 250. This turning centre works on two parts simultaneously using two powerful 15 kW motorspindles mounted in vertical position with alternate gangs of Piboturn patented turning tool holders. Machining of all drilling, milling and turning operations is performed simultaneously with a multiple head and on two parts at the same time

At this year’s Industrie Lyon Emissa will unveil Twinturn 250 DD as world premiere. A major evolution in turning billets since this machine is able to machine 2 parts simultaneously on both sides.

Operation and counter-operation The evolution of the machine includes the integration of a double secondary operations spindle installed on the main tool gang coupled with multiple tools. These are installed on the double motorspindles aiming to machine the first side. It is therefore possible to machine the first side of the part with the superior double motorspindle station, put the parts on the double secondary operations spindles, and machine the second side with tools placed on the main double motorspindle.

Simple kinematics With 3 linear axes, 1 swiveling superior double spindle (2 x 15 KW, 4’500 rpm) and 1 swiveling inferior double spindle, it is possible to machine 2 parts completely. This machine is dedicated to large series with high productivity. It is able to make a large number of turning, threading, milling, profiling operations and automatic loading - unloading is possible.

Emissa SA Jambe – Ducommun 18 2400 – le locle / suisse Phonel. +41 32 933 06 66 Fax +41 32 933 06 60 [email protected]

To be discovered at Industrie Lyon 2013

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