The cooperation between the VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association) and the fair organisers Erfurt is being exceptionally well received by Rapid.Tech’s exhibitors.

“It’s the right decision at the right time”, explains Ralf Schumacher, who heads the “Medical Additive Manufacturing” laboratory at the North-West Switzerland University of Applied Science, and is a member of Rapid.Tech’s newly founded advisory council for progressing Rapid.Tech and METAV as crucial competence centres in this field. Michael Eichmann, Managing Director of the Hessian company RTC Rapid Technologies GmbH, sees the alliance as doubly beneficial: “Messe Erfurt’s involvement in the METAV addresses new visitor groupings, and renders new customer contacts accessible to the exhibitors. At the same time, the opportunities opened up by generative production processes will be adopted more widely in the mechanical engineering sector, thus enabling synergies to be identified.”
Generative processes at Metav Directly adjoining the METAV Special Show “Metal meets Medical”, which will be supplemented by the Erfurt-based Rapid.Tech to include a segment on generative processes, the “Rapid.Area”, as another building block in the alliance, provides an initial overview of the opportunities opened up by generative production for trade visitors and first-time users alike. Here, prominent Rapid.Tech exhibitors will on 100 square metres be showcasing the entire process chain involved in generative production –from the initial design work all the way through to the finished product. At the same time, leading vendors will be providing insights into semi-professional and consumer-focused use of 3D printing.

Foto: Messe Erfurt
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