Trade show

Microtechnics Alliance Intercluster event

May 2013

The Microtechnics Alliance officially launched in 2012 during Micronora trade-fair gathers 4 clusters active in microtechnologies and organizes an information session (in English) and B2B meetings at EPHJ.

Members of the Microtechnics Alliance Intercluster are

Information session The Intercluster aims at stimulating the Intercluster cooperations and combines an information session to explain the objectives of the Alliance, to make the most of the European opportunities in the context of Horizon 2020(more details - see agenda) and to give the opportunity to the clusters members to present their activities and cooperation ideas.

B2B meetings B2B meetings open to companies that are members of the 4 clusters of the Microtechnics Alliance or located in the geographical areas covered by the Microtechnics Alliance.

Main topics

. It’s free of charge but you need to be registred on the event website by following this link






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