How to choose Questioned as to the difficulty experienced by the customer in knowing how to choose between a Delta 20/5, a Sigma 20, a Gamma 20 or even a Deco 20e or a, Willi Nef, Tornos Vice-President, head of Sales and Marketing explains: “The most important thing is not the number of machines which seem to be crowding out the mid-range parts market sector, but rather the possibility for the customer of finding a machine which precisely fulfils his requirements. Now more than ever, Tornos is offering platforms of products ensuring our customers can always find a machine which corresponds exactly to their requirements!”. The 6-axis version (Gamma 20/6) of this new machine will be on display at EMO, with a 5-axis version (Gamma 20/5) also available.
The 5-axis model uses the tried and tested kinematics which are behind the success of the Delta range, including a platten resting on 2 axes during operation and a fixed counter operation block.
The 6-axis version, which uses an additional Y axis on the counter operation block, allows complex machining to also be carried out on the rear face of the part.

Exclusive: A few characteristics of the new Gamma 20/6
- Bar diameter: 20 mm
- Part length max.: 250 mm with fixed guide bush, 210 mm direct drive rotary guidebush and 45 mm bushless
- Number of tools max.: 39
- Live tools max.: 15
- Main spindle power: 2.2 kW/3.7 kW
- Counter spindle power: 1.5 kW/2.2 kW
- Presented: EMO 2009
- Availability: To be announced
Tornos SA Industrielle 111 2740 Moutier Switzerland Phone ++41 32 494 44 44 Fax ++41 32 494 49 03 [email protected]