Trade show

Producing more intelligently

July 2013

For the first time, the VDMA Congress on “Producing more intelligently” will be held under the aegis of the EMO Hannover 2013. Based on the motto “Inspired by technology”, the organisers have put together a program of high-caliber speakers. Top-flight experts from international industry will report on their experiences and success strategies in a global production environment.

Innovation, flexibility and technological expertise are key factors for success in global competition, particularly for manufacturing companies.

The three main topics:

Three well targeted themes Excellence focuses on lean production and flexible value chains. The topic of efficiency centers on sustainable and resource efficient production. Finally, intelligence addresses the close dovetailing of the virtual and the real production world in the wake of Industry 4.0.

Programme 1st Congress Day, 16th September 2013

Languages: German and English – simultaneous translation will be provided.

Participant Fee The participant fee is 390 Euro plus value-added tax. It covers the participation in the congress, the social program and the guided theme walks. Furthermore, a ticket for the EMO is included.

. You can download the programme here and register online at





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