With this slogan H2O presents its smart alternative to manage spent cooling lubricant emulsions. Yes it’s marketing but the facts are there. Let’s see how that’s possible (by the way, you can discover this "secret" at EMO on hall 7, booth B55).

Many metal processing companies are disposing of spent cooling lubricant emulsions or industrial process waste water at high cost. They are not always aware of possible savings of up to €1.5 million within 10 years (according to H20 figures). When processing in house the amount to be disposed of and the cost related thereto can be reduced by a minimum of 95 %. Depending on the composition of the spent emulsion it can even be turned into recyclable material.
Simple and efficient solution Vacuum distillation systems extract most of the water contained in spent cooling lubricant emulsions and leave a little evaporation residue only, which can either be recycled or disposed of with waste management companies. Compared to other processing methods vacuum distillation has proven to be the most reliable and feasible one. In most cases even replacing of other processing methods by vacuum distillation is paid for within shortly. Vacudest® vacuum distillation systems work extremely feasible and optimise the possible savings.
Environment friendly Many technical features ensure lowest energy consumption and lowest evaporation residues, reducing amounts to be disposed of and costs related thereto. Thus Vacudest® vacuum distillation systems are setting benchmarks regarding operation cost. Due to the integrated ClearCat® technology treated water is so clean, that it can directly be reinjected into the production process; without any post treatment. Thus companies can take advantage of high savings and besides create a zero liquid discharge production, saving fresh water resources and protecting environment.
At EMO in Hannover (hall 7, booth B55, appointments under www.vacudest.com/emo.htm) interested companies will be able to gather information about H2Os modern process water treatment systems. Possible savings for visitors can be determined easily.
H2O GmbH process water engineering Brigitte Schwarz Marketing Manager Wiesenstrasse 32 79585 Steinen/ Germany Tel. +49 7627 9239-302 Fax +49 7627 9239-103 brigitte.schwarz@h2o-gmbh.com