..and much more! In fall 2010 we presented R. Frein CNC Service as being specialized in the supply of spare parts for ENC and Deco machines. Today, with the opening of his workshop dedicated to completely overhaul machines, the service provider offers a still broader range to its customers and potential customers. Meeting with the director Mr. Frein.

After 6 years of presence in the market as a quality provider for service, spare parts and rehabilitation of CNC machines, the company takes an important step since it now offers full overhaul (after a fire, for example) in its new premises. Mr. Frein says: "The complete overhaul in our new workshop can be done for a customer or insurance, but we also offer the possibility to buy old machines for restoration to the original state and resale". The range of services becomes larger. Who are the customers? How? Why?
A dozen machines in overhaul With an area of 300 m2 of workshop, the company may fully overhaul a dozen machines in parallel. During my visit, five machines having suffered a fire were pending and two machines belonging to R. Frein CNC Service were being overhauled. "We have also almost 200 m2 for offices and stocks” says the Director. And stock is what differentiates the company. We can talk about spindles for ENC machines, ball screws for Deco or bearings; for example, the stock is available and allows a rapid response in the market. The overhaul of spindle and tool holders as well as standard exchanges are always provided in the repair shop (that has also been moved to Delémont).
R. Frein CNC Service activities
- Service
- Spare parts
- Overhaul on site
- Complete overhaul in the company’s workshop (new 2012)
- Purchase, overhaul, sale (new 2012)
for ENC and Deco machines (other machines on demand)
To be discover at the Siams 2012 For the first time in its history the company will be present at the Siams. Mr. Frein explains: "We offer a wide range of solutions and many customers do not know all of our services. A visit on our booth will be an opportunity for visitors to see all of our skills and their benefits at a glance".
R. Frein CNC Service Sàrl Les Places 38 CH-2855 Glovelier Tél. +41 79 753 55 06 Fax. +41 32 426 91 86 info@frein-cnc-service.ch www.frein-cnc-service.ch
We will publish a full story in our next issue.