
The bar-turning machine for prismatic parts

February 2014

It is widely known in the industry that many bar-turners use little or none of the turning capability of their machines. Modern top-of-the-range Swiss machines are fully equipped with milling capabilities and their bar-turning capacity means that they can compete with conventional milling solutions.

Launched in early 2013, the SwissNano machine is used by numerous watchmaking customers. Whilst each of them sees different advantages in using the machine depending on the parts produced, they all agree that it represents excellent value for money. The new BA 1008 is an integral part of this strategy and allows bar-turners in the watchmaking industry to have an effective milling solution for a relatively small investment.

There is a machine that has been designed specially for prismatic parts... We took a closer look at the new Almac BA 1008, designed to manufacture this type of part.

Based on… the SwissNano The Almac machine is a close relative of the SwissNano: in fact, the BA 1008 has the same basic structure and kinematic. The spindle is replaced by a divider with a maximum capacity of 16 mm diameter; the machine is able to machine parts up to 28 mm in length. Whilst on the SwissNano the spindle can reach speeds of up to 16,000 rpm, on the BA 1008 the divider is limited to 50 rpm. This is a bar-turning machine which has been converted into a bar-milling machine.

High-frequency spindle The BA 1008 can accommodate up to three high-frequency spindles on the side unit and four high-frequency spindles on the front unit. The workpiece can be held in place when machining the sixth side as a secondary operation with two high-frequency spindles. Cutting takes place using a sectioning tool. The machine can also be fitted with different types of high-frequency spindle, depending on the workpiece.

Only one bar! To avoid the addition of an expensive bar-feeder designed to feed rotating bars, the machine is equipped with an integrated tube, generally sufficient for over eight hours of production in most cases. . If we compare the cycle times of the BA 1008 machine with more traditional tools, the new Almac is extremely competitive.

Milling for the bar-turner Since the basic machine and kinematic are generally the same as for the SwissNano, bar-turners are already familiar with how to use it. Mr Devanthéry, Almac director, concludes by saying: "With the BA 1008 we offer our customers the option of buying a compact, user-friendly machine. There is absolutely no doubt that a BA 1008 can be installed in a bar-turning workshop."

Almac SA 39, Bd des Eplatures CH – 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds Tel : +41 32 925 35 50 Fax : +41 32 925 35 60 [email protected] Almac is a company of the Tornos Group. .



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