Since 2006, watchmakers and bar turners creating small and very precise short parts have been able to rely on the Micro8 turning machine from Tornos. Originally designed for creating shafts for hard disks, the very high level of precision offered by this machine quickly won over specialists from the watchmaking world. A new version is now on its way!

With almost 200 machines installed with watchmaking suppliers in Switzerland (400 machines installed in total), this turning machine, which works without a guide bush, has been championed by the specialists in this domain. Mr Schoeckle, in charge of Tornos’ operations in German-speaking Switzerland, explains: "The Micro8 is the machine most suited to creating watch screws. Our customers are very pleased with both the simplicity and the performance offered by the machine". Mr Almeida, his counterpart for French-speaking Switzerland, adds: "5 customers own more than 20 machines and only thing limiting a greater take-up is the length of the parts that we can machine". For a machine working without a guide bush, the length is limited to approximately three times the diameter. This explanation serves as an introduction to the birth of the Micro8/4: the same machine, but fitted with a guide bush!
A guide bush at a bargain price "Watchmaking is no different to other markets when it comes to the cost price of parts" Brice Renggli, Head of Marketing at Tornos, tells us. He added: "By taking the tried and tested Micro 8 machine as our basis, we are able to offer a new version fitted with 4 axes and working with a guide bush at a highly competitive price. We are convinced that the machine will appeal to watchmakers and to many other sectors". To be able to put forward a highly attractive product, 2 tools have been removed from the "conventional" Micro 8 machine range (X2) and it is available in three basic versions.
With or without guide bush? While the Micro 8 has been incredibly successful, this is only because the market for a machine which creates short parts was waiting for an effective solution. But for some users, the length of the parts which can be created is highly restrictive. They no longer have to choose! The Micro 8/4 machine is equipped with a fixed guide bush which opens up the market for "long parts", but with a simple kit, it is also possible to work without a guide bush, as with a conventional Micro 8.
The machine will be shown at EPHJ/EPMT/SMT early June in Genève. We will publish more details later.
. Tornos SA Industrielle 111 2740 Moutier Tel. +41 32 494 44 44 Fax: +41 32 494 49 07 [email protected]