Trade show

Top grinding technology companies bet on GrindTec

October 2009

For the leading grinding technology companies the GrindTec 2010 is a clear proposition. Apart from the fact that there is no other trade fair where they can reach their target markets so efficiently, they consider the timing in March 2010 to be ideal. By then they predict that the worst of the crisis will be over in the machine building industry and orders, which at present are being held back, will be flowing again.

Ideal place to be The organizers, the AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH in Augsburg, also share this opinion. Around 160 applications have already been received, and also as far as the amount of space booked is concerned the present level is comparable to that of the record event in 2008. Maybe the location of the GrindTec was never such a decisive factor as it will be this time. Whereas the sector is most important in the South of Germany, namely in Baden Wurttemberg and in Bavaria, Augsburg is also near to the other regions where grinding technology is important, namely in Switzerland and in Italy. So for many companies it will be a real home match.

Grinding Technology: Now more than ever The Press Officer Winfried Forster is daring to look ahead optimistically: “There are quite a number of factors, which are to the advantage of the GrindTec, such as the efficiency of this specialized trade fair that is a comprehensive and compact meeting place for the sector unlike any other event. Many of the companies we have spoken to consider the timing to be ideal. They want to take off at the GrindTec next year – under the motto ‘Now more than ever’. And of course the GrindTec profits from the excellent reputation, which it has gained over the past years with the excellent business successes of the exhibitors. In 2008, 78 % of the companies marked the success of their participation at the trade fair as ‘very good’ and ‘good’, and a good 18 % were ‘satisfied’. This means that anyone who refrains from participation at the GrindTec is not only refraining from being present at the sector’s top platform, but also offering his competitors the chance to gain new market shares.”

AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH Messezentrum 86159 Augsburg Germany Phone +49 (0) 821 5 89 82 390 Fax +49 (0) 821 5 89 82 399

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