Trade show

Top platform for grinding technology sharpens the profile of its list of exhibits

November 2012

It is the international leading platform for Grinding Technology and counts among the most dynamically growing technical trade fairs. Since its première in 1998 the amount of its visitors has increased threefold, and that of the exhibitors fourfold, while the amount of space covered was at the last count seven times the size of that at the first edition.

Next GrindTec will take place from March 19 to 22, 2014 in the Augsburg Trade Fair Grounds, Germany.

In particular the increased enlargement of the selection of exhibits inspired the technical sponsors of the GrindTec – the German Trade Association for precision tool grinders FDPW to restructure and sort the official list of exhibits. With this more strongly accentuated profile the intention is to present a higher depth of choice to the expert visitors.

Clearly defined list of exhibits with nine sub-divisions In the future sub-divisions will be defining the profile of the GrindTec more clearly. The sub-divisions are as follow:

Exhibitors are now to list their exhibits at the same time as placing their applications So far the exhibitors at the GrindTec were used to sending their application for the trade fair booth, and then only some time later announcing the names of their exhibits. In future it will also be necessary to name the exhibits at the same time as making the application, so that their admission can take place. Any products, which are not explicitly listed, may however be admitted by the organisers after diligent consideration if it transpires that they conform to the newly determined profile of the GrindTec.

AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH

Winfried Forster Messezentrum D-86159 Augsburg Germany Tel. +49 (0)821 - 5 89 82 – 143 Fax +49 (0)821 - 5 89 82 - 243 [email protected]

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