
AMB closes today...

September 2014

Still one day to take advantages of the Stuttgart exhibition park and discover targeted solutions in terms of machines, tools, peripherals or coolant (among others).

Opening time of the AMB show... many people on their way to that mecca of information.

The place has been well crowded the whole week and the organisers expect 90’000 visitors. (We at Eurotec have fetched a lot of valuable information we will forward to you here and on our paper issues). Today, a piece of news from Sandvik.

Presentation of the new tools on the Sandvik booth. There were many novelties unveiled, we will come back on those soon.

Extended steel turning endurance Tooling and tooling system specialist Sandvik Coromant has introduced a new grade designed to help machine shops seeking greater heat resistance in steel turning operations. Following on from the successful launch of GC4325 in October 2013, GC4315 is the ideal choice when even higher speeds and longer times in cut are demanded.

Let it do its work! Designed as an optimiser in the ISO P15 application area, GC4315 is able to withstand extremely high cutting temperatures to allow greater metal removal rates without compromising tool life. Like GC4325, the new grade is equipped with Inveio™, the technical breakthrough of unidirectional crystal orientation that delivers remarkable yet predictable and reliable performance. Highly suitable for unmanned mass production even in hard workpiece materials, GC4315 can be applied to external and internal turning, roughing and finishing, wet and dry machining, and continuous to light-interrupted cuts.

High performance tools In a customer test application on an adaptor housing made from low alloy steel (335 HB), GC4315 demonstrated impressive results. The insert machined two complete components (external, axial and face turning) whereas an established competitor insert managed only 1.2 parts. This was due to the better crater wear demonstrated by GC4315, which is crucial at such a long time in cut (19.24 minutes per component). The depth of cut was 3 mm. Equally impressive results were achieved in another recent customer case study, this time involving external profile turning on a low alloy steel (200 HB) drive shaft. At a high cutting speed of 350 m/min, GC4315 showed better flank wear resistance and edge-line security compared with the competitor insert, which exhibited worn coating and exposed substrate.

GC4315 grade inserts are available in both negative (to suit T-Max® P tools) and positive (CoroTurn® 107) basic shapes, along with a variety of different geometries to suit the specific application.

GC4315, the new grade from Sandvik Coromant, allows greater heat resistance in steel turning operations.


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