From November 19 to 22, subcontractors and customers will be able to review developments in their markets and forge effective regional and national relationships.

Midest 2013 Midest is the key platform for international suppliers of industrial subcontracting. It is a show where partnerships are forged and technology surveyed, offering manufacturers, component suppliers and assemblers the chance of face to face meetings with suppliers of solutions in the fields of metals, plastics, electronics or industry services.
- Read the full Eurotec article here.
- Reach the Midest website here.
- Get your free access pass here. Midest in a few facts
- 1,721 exhibitors in 2012.
- 36% of exhibitors are non-French and are drawn from 46 countries.
- 39,347 professionals from all sectors of industry in 2012
- 15% of customers are from outside France and are drawn from an average of more than 78 countries.
- Over 50 foreign organizations are active partners of MIDEST.
- 11 Trade Villages Tolexpo 2013 Tolexpo is now France’s leading event specifically dedicated to production technology for metal in sheets, tubes, coils and sections equipment.
- Read the full Eurotec article here.
- Reach the Tolexpo website here.
- Get your free access pass here. Tolexpo in a few facts
- An exhaustive offer with more than 200 exhibitors
- 45% of companies exhibiting are from outside France
- 11 180 professionals visitors from 70 countries
- Tolexpo is held on the same date and place as Midest (the world’s leading industrial subcontracting event).Entry badges entitle visitors and exhibitors of each event to free entry to these 2 exhibitions.
Are you looking for subcontractors in France and in Europe? A visit to Paris may be mandatory for this end of the year.

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